the resident population of the United States more»
City: | Glenwood |
State: | New Mexico |
Area Code: | 575 |
Latitude: | 33.325916 |
Longitude: | -108.627616 |
Time Zone: | Eastern GMT -7 |
City Alias(es): | Alma Mogollon , Pleasanton |
Population: | 210 |
2000 Population: | 557 |
White Population: | 525 |
Black Population: | 5 |
Hispanic Population: | 56 |
Asian Population: | 2 |
Hawaiian Population: | 1 |
Indian Population: | 2 |
Other Population: | 12 |
Male Population: | 284 |
Female Population: | 273 |
Median Age: | 49.30 |
Male Median Age: | 48.80 |
Female Median Age: | 50.40 |
Households: | 429 |
Average Household Size: | 2.12 |
Average House Value: | $96,700 |
Average Household Income: | $28,021 |
Number of Businesses: | 16 |
Number of Employees: | 39 |
Annual Payroll: | $498,000 |
Land Area: | 1302.344 sq mi |
Water Area: | 0.424 sq mi |
Glenwood, NM ( 0.0 miles)