the resident population of the United States more»
City: | Woodville |
State: | Mississippi |
Area Code: | 601 |
Latitude: | 31.215860 |
Longitude: | -91.420364 |
Time Zone: | Eastern GMT -6 |
City Alias(es): | Ashwood Doloroso , Donegal , Fort Adams , Ft Adams , Highway Village , Ireland , Laneheart , Lessley , Pinckneyville , Turnbull , Wilkinson |
Population: | 3,090 |
2000 Population: | 6,461 |
White Population: | 1,725 |
Black Population: | 4,694 |
Hispanic Population: | 38 |
Asian Population: | 3 |
Hawaiian Population: | 5 |
Other Population: | 7 |
Male Population: | 3,544 |
Female Population: | 2,917 |
Median Age: | 34.30 |
Male Median Age: | 30.90 |
Female Median Age: | 38.60 |
Households: | 3,287 |
Average Household Size: | 2.59 |
Average House Value: | $42,600 |
Average Household Income: | $18,815 |
Number of Businesses: | 95 |
Number of Employees: | 870 |
Annual Payroll: | $16,278,000 |
Land Area: | 389.777 sq mi |
Water Area: | 1.135 sq mi |
Sibley, MS ( 11.4 miles)
Crosby, MS ( 17.4 miles)