State,City, Zip And Area code Information of the United States
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Home > North Carolina> zip code 28348
City: Hope Mills
State: North Carolina
Area Code: 910
Latitude: 34.925262
Longitude: -78.916161
Time Zone: Eastern GMT -5
City Alias(es):
Population: 33,625
2000 Population: 25,617
White Population: 17,738
Black Population: 5,557
Hispanic Population: 1,394
Asian Population: 213
Hawaiian Population: 825
Indian Population: 46
Other Population: 568
Male Population: 12,390
Female Population: 13,227
Median Age: 31.20
Male Median Age: 30.50
Female Median Age: 32.00
Households: 10,053
Average Household Size: 2.80
Average House Value: $87,500
Average Household Income: $41,341
Number of Businesses: 284
Number of Employees: 4,733
Annual Payroll: $121,211,000
Land Area: 45.597 sq mi
Water Area: 0.344 sq mi

Cities / Towns near 28348

Parkton, NC ( 4.6 miles)
Cumberland, NC ( 6.2 miles)
Rex, NC ( 8.9 miles)
Lumber Bridge, NC ( 9.3 miles)
Fayetteville, NC ( 9.3 miles)
Saint Pauls, NC ( 9.6 miles)
Shannon, NC ( 12.4 miles)
Tar Heel, NC ( 13.4 miles)
Stedman, NC ( 14.4 miles)

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